Seminar Schedule of Kawazoe Laboratory
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No. 1
Date : 2005/01/26 (Wed) @Lecture Hall (ground floor) 14:00-
Lecturer : 0. Prof. Kawazoe
Title : Introductry Remarks
No. 2
Date : 2005/01/26 (Wed) @Lecture Hall (ground floor) 14:00-
Lecturer : 1. Prof. Yang Deren (Zhejiang University, P. R. China)
Title : Introduction of Zhejiang University
No. 3
Date : 2005/01/26 (Wed) @Lecture Hall (ground floor) 14:00-
Lecturer : Dr. Chen Gang
Title : Introduction of Kawazoe Lab
No. 4
Date : 2005/01/26 (Wed) @Lecture Hall (ground floor) 14:00-
Lecturer : 3. Prof. Yu-Feng Yao (Zhejiang University School of Medicine, P. R. China)
Title : Cryopreserved Donor Cornea in Clinical Application for Corneal Clarity Recovery or for The for Therapeutic Purpose
No. 5
Date : 2005/01/26 (Wed) @Lecture Hall (ground floor) 14:00-
Lecturer : 4. Prof. Chen Jizhong (Zhejiang University, P. R. China)
Title : Micronization of drugs by the rapid expansion of supercritical solution
No. 6
Date : 2005/01/26 (Wed) @Lecture Hall (ground floor) 14:00-
Lecturer : 5. Prof. Yan Mi (Zhejiang University, P. R. China)
Title : Study on nanocomposite NdFeB magnets
No. 7
Date : 2005/01/26 (Wed) @Lecture Hall (ground floor) 14:00-
Lecturer : 6. Prof. Vijay Kumar
Title : Design of novel materials at atom and electron levels from ab initio calculations: Discoveries of silicon fullerenes and nanotubes
No. 8
Date : 2005/02/16 (Wed) @2-702 11:00-
Lecturer : Prof. S. N. Sahu (Institute of Physics,Bhubaneswar 751005, India)
Title : Self-assembly of semiconductor nanostructure beads in DNA necklace
No. 9
Date : 2005/03/10 (Thu) @2-702 10:30-
Lecturer : Prof. Catherine Brechignac (CNRS(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), France)
Title : Synthesis and fragmentation of non equilibrium morphologies of nanostructures driven by cluster deposition
No. 10
Date : 2005/03/28 (Mon) @2-702 13:30-
Lecturer : Prof. FENG Yuan Ping (Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Title : First-principles study of high-k oxide and its interfaces with Si
No. 11
Date : 2005/04/07 (Thu) @Lecture Hall (ground floor) 13:30-
Lecturer : Prof. Yoshiyuki Kawazoe
Title : Research and operation plans in 2005 of Kawazoe group at IMR
No. 12
Date : 2005/04/27 (Wed) @2-702 13:00-
Lecturer : Dr. Olga Pupysheva
Title : Electronic structure of DNA and its sodium salts under applied bias
No. 13
Date : 2005/05/18 (Wed) @2-702 11:00-
Lecturer : Prof. Benjamin Burton (Center for Theoretical and Computational Materials Science, NIST, USA)
Title : First-principles Based Simulations of Relaxor Ferroelectrics
No. 14
Date : 2005/06/01 (Wed) @2-702 13:30-
Lecturer : Prof. Michael Philpott
Title : Ab Initio Electronic Structure of "Dimetallocenes" M2L2 with M = Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg and L = H, F, CH3, C5H5, C5(CH3)5
No. 15
Date : 2005/06/08 (Wed) @2-702 13:30-
Lecturer : Mr. M. Saeed Bahramy
Title : Mechanisms of Hyperfine Coupling in Transition Metal and Main Group Complexes; A close look at the Spin Polarization Within All-Electron Method
No. 16
Date : 2005/06/23 (Thu) @2-702 13:00-
Lecturer : Dr. Talgat Inerbaev
Title : Theoretical study of compounds possessing large quadratic nonlinear optical responses
No. 17
Date : 2005/06/24 (Fri) @2-702 13:30-
Lecturer : Dr. Abhijit Chatterjee (AP Material Science Application Scientist, Accelrys, Tokyo Office, Japan)
Title : Computer simulation tools with a special emphasis on QM modules and our new vision in ONETEP
No. 18
Date : 2005/06/29 (Wed) @2-702 13:30-
Lecturer : Dr. Rodion V. Belosloudov
Title : Atomistic simulation of complex materials for various applications
No. 19
Date : 2005/07/05 (Tue) @2-702 13:30-
Lecturer : Dr. Amit Jain
Title : Ab initio Study of Metal Oxide Clusters
No. 20
Date : 2005/07/20 (Wed) @2-702 13:30-
Lecturer : Prof. Hiroshi Yasuhara
Title : A Survey of Many-Electron Theories
No. 21
Date : 2005/07/25 (Mon) @2-702 13:30-
Lecturer : Dr. Kenta Hongo
Title : Analysis of electron correlation in the hydrogen molecule
No. 22
Date : 2005/08/03 (Wed) @2-702 13:30-
Lecturer : Prof. Hiroshi Mizuseki
Title : Self-consistent calculations of transport through a molecular wire as an open system
No. 23
Date : 2005/08/24 (Wed) @2-702 13:30-
Lecturer : Mr. Toshiaki Oka
Title : DFT study of methanol dehydrogenation on Pt alloys
No. 24
Date : 2005/08/24 (Wed) @2-702 13:30-
Lecturer : Mr. Takayuki Oyamada
Title : Interpretation of Hund's multiplicity rule for the 2p, 3p atomic systems using quantum Monte Carlo method
No. 25
Date : 2005/08/24 (Wed) @2-702 13:30-
Lecturer : Mr. Tomoki Uehara
Title : Theoretical study of electrical conduction property of ferrocene
No. 26
Date : 2005/08/25 (Thu) @2-702 14:00-
Lecturer : Prof. Keivan Esfarjani
Title : Thermoelectric properties of a nanocontact

No. 28
Date : 2005/09/16 (Fri) @2-702 13:30-
Lecturer : Prof. Umesh V Waghmare (Theoretical Sciences Unit J Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research Bangalore, INDIA)
Title : Wannier Functions, Structure and Properties of Ferroelectrics and d$^0$ Transition Metal Oxides

No. 29
Date : 2005/09/20 (Tue) @2-702 13:40-
Lecturer : Prof. Sean C. Smith (Director, Centre for Computational Molecular Science Chemistry Building, The University of Queensland, Qld 4072, Brisbane, Australia)
Title : Computational Molecular Science in Nanotechnology and Biotechnology: Hydrogen Storage in Mg Nanocomposites and Proton Chain Transfer in the Green Fluorescent Protein

No. 30
Date : 2005/12/12 (Mon) @2-702 13:30-
Lecturer : Mr. Susumu Imai
Title : First principles study on catalytic reaction for fuel cells

No. 31
Date : 2005/12/21 (Wed) @2-702 13:30-
Lecturer : Dr. Zhijian WU
Title : Density functional study on the electronic structure of diatomics of transition metals and between transition metal and main group element (C,Si,N,O)